Y Pwyllgor Cydraddoldeb, Llywodraeth Leol a Chymunedau/
Equality, Local Government and Communities Committee
ELGC(5)-02-17 Papur 4/ Paper 4


12 January 2017

Dear Robert,

Inquiry into refugees and asylum seekers in Wales

Thank you for your written evidence in connection with the above inquiry.

I indicated in my letter to the Home Secretary that I would write to request additional information if the Committee encountered further issues of relevance to the Home Office during the inquiry. The written evidence submitted to the Committee can be found at http://senedd.assembly.wales/mgConsultationDisplay.aspx?id=228&RPID=1008224700&cp=yes and transcripts of oral evidence sessions can be found at http://senedd.assembly.wales/mgIssueHistoryHome.aspx?IId=15159.

I would be grateful if you could provide further evidence on the following topics:

·         The responsibilities specified in the contract between the Home Office and Clearsprings Ready Homes Ltd in terms of the services which must be delivered to asylum seekers in Wales and the quality standards which apply.

·         How the Home Office ensures that initial health screening takes place and that English lessons are available to asylum seekers (as these have been highlighted to the Committee as problem areas).

·         The Home Office’s assessment of the quality of accommodation offered by Clearsprings, and the contractual or other performance measures upon which this assessment is made, including the nature and frequency of monitoring undertaken, and processes for investigating complaints.

·         Whether the Home Office would be prepared to extend the move-on period of 28 days to 56 days to bring it in line with the homelessness prevention duties introduced by the Housing (Wales) Act 2014, and to strengthen information-sharing with the Welsh Government and local authorities in Wales about the expected number of successful asylum applications.

To help the Committee conclude this inquiry in a timely fashion I would appreciate your response ideally by Wednesday 18 January but at the latest by Thursday 2 February.

I am copying this letter to the Chair of the House of Commons Home Affairs Committee.


Yours sincerely,

John Griffiths AM